Accountable Officer

CD Reporting

Reporting of all incidents should be inputted onto the online monitoring tool  To begin the process, all reporters of controlled drug concerns incidents will need to register on the website

CD Destruction

Requests to arrange for an authorised witness for the destruction of expired Schedule 2 controlled drugs should be inputted onto the online monitoring tool  To begin the process, all requestors of an authorised witness will need to register on the website

CD Information

The CD Accountable Officer for NHS England (East of England NHS England and NHS Improvement)  is Dr Leonie Prasad. Any issues relating to controlled drugs and medicines governance, pharmacy, and prescribing should be directed to Dr Prasad by email at  or by phone on 07783 816475.

The CD Accountable Officer for NHS England and NHS Improvement – Midlands

Controlled Drugs / Pharmacy Team

T: 07730 381119 or 07730 381109


Bhav Pattani is our CDAO for Nene and Corby:


*Reporting of  incidents and requests for destructions should be inputted onto our on-line monitoring tool

This is the same for all areas.*

For further information on how to handle, dispense and submit CD prescriptions please see